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My Story With Jesus :)

1.) What my life was like before I met Jesus

Before I shrank from being agnostic to atheist.
I was an evil activist who denied Jesus.
I cursed His Name, putting His Name in vain, hurting myself, denying the truth, hurting other people intentionally and unintentionally, talking back against my parents, a vindictive sister with a very long grudge implanted in my heart against my brothers, wearing a pretentious mask as if I were transient, pretending to be okay, depressed, dejected, suicidal, extremely emotional, hopeless, blaming myself for the cause of my dad’s untimely demise, telling lies, misleading others, unforgiving, etc.

2.) How I realized I needed Jesus

I came to a point that I really needed someone to cling to.
I was very hopeless.
And I found myself reading this tiny book called “Bible”.
It got my attention and I continued to read it.
And one day, not long ago my dad had just died, there were these students at PUP giving away magazines.
Again it got my attention, it was all about Jesus.
As I was reading His story, I thought I really had to believe that Jesus is real, Jesus pardons sins, and He is not counting multitude of transgressions of men.
He touched my heart when I was reading His life.
He even forgave those who had Him crucified on the cross!
I was totally amazed!
And at that I realized I really needed someone to understand me, somebody’s willing to listen to me, somebody’s there to show love, somebody who forgives and forgets my iniquities.
And that Somebody is Jesus 🙂

4 thoughts on “My Story With Jesus :)

  1. Say..
    I really love your blog site.
    keep it up girl (thumbs up for you)
    May God bless you and your Family.

    I miss you na 🙂

    Your friend, Monnina

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