LORD, I’m Yours!
LORD, help me!
Lord, there are times I have to express my inner feelings to You.
I must.
I must do it on a daily basis, as long as it is called “today”.
LORD, everything on earth is temporary, and even me, a mere shadow, here today and gone tomorrow.
People come and people go.
LORD, I just wanna thank You for giving me real treasures, people who love me, people whom I love, and people whom I will love in the future.
And LORD, how great is Your plan for me.
I can’t fathom Your personality, it’s just so great.
I feel so great for having You, a real Friend, a real Father, a real Helper, a real Comforter, a real God who never grows weary.
LORD, I just want to feel Your presence even more.
LORD, I want to see Your face, Father.
I want to hug You O LORD!
LORD, I want to be fully satisfied by You!
I want You LORD!
I love You LORD!
Thanks for the grace LORD!
Thanks for redeeming me.
Your love is teeming in my life.
Sometimes it’s just so dumb of me ignoring the blessings You’ve given me.
LORD, I cannot escape the truth that I’m surrounded by You, that whenever I try to disconnect myself from You I just can’t help but fall more and more in love with You.
LORD, why do You have to be so sweet to me?
I’m just a piece of grass in Your creations, but You make time for me?
Why am I so special in Your eyes?
Although, I’ve done many fiendish things against You, why do You still care for me?
I can’t understand LORD.
Why are You so interested in me, in my life, in my heart, in my soul, in my being, in my spirit, in my story?
LORD, You’ve seen my sins.
I know You forgave me already.
LORD, You’re rich in mercy!
LORD, thank You!
You never get tired on me