We were preparing for CITE Acoustic Night. We just had joined not to impress or show off our talents but to use our talents for spreading God’s Word. I was one of the members of the Fellowship of the Unashamed band and I played the bass guitar. The other members, to name them: Saldie, lead guitarist, Ate Berns, vocalist, Patricia, the drummer, and Rod, the rhythm guitarist. Before we got in the line-up we had been praying to God that He will help us to promote His kingdom and tell the whole school that Jesus loves them. Also, we practised just before the audition. Honestly, I was having a hard time dealing with my band members because that would be the first I’d ever play in a band. Of course, I was quite nervous and uneasy because I’m no good at playing the guitar well. What I mean is that I’ve been working on playing the guitar up until now.
Well, then, the audition day came, I was not prepared because I hadn’t attended the practises so Saldie and others helped me out to get on track. I thought at that moment that I was about to be the rhythm guitarist but ate Berns asked me to be the bassist. I didn’t know how to play the bass but somehow God gave me the serenity to adopt and learn the bass. When the audition started, I was not ready and my body was shaking and of course Saldie and others were nervous too. We prayed to God that we really wanna get in the line-up and are willing to spread His Word to young people. We played out of tune. My friends obviously were dismayed because we played poorly and thought we didn’t give our best. Even ate Berns was discouraged. But what I felt at that moment was far different from them. I was grasping the fact that if it’s for God’s glory, no matter what upside down circumstances you are in, He will stretch out His mighty hands and perform miracles. And the lesson we learned from this is TRUST. We have to trust God because He is faithful. I knew that we’d get in the line-up. After one hour, we checked the result posted on the bulletin board and saw our band’s name. My friends’ faces turned from bitter to sweet. We all praised and thanked the LORD because He never failed us. 🙂