Note: if you are on Postman, this page does not apply to you, you can ignore it! 1.) Create a POST request to obtain your access token. In this example, I have used E6’s login endpoint (Refer to E6 login credentials)Notice that the response key is tokenId. This is the access token we will need […]
Happier by Say Happier because God has made me bloom by His love…Happier because a messenger was sent to me in a form of a dove… Happier because the choices I made set me free…Happier because the things I let go of no longer got a hold of me… Happier because better things will transpire […]
To get captured photo from Mac user profile
Happy New Year readers! I’m back again to share tips for Mac OS X. I usually am curious about stuff in Mac OS X and have you ever wondered how to get your captured photo from Mac user profile? I’ve got good news because it can possibly be done in just simple steps! First, you […]
Java merge and sort lists of integers without using pre-defined functions
In the previous blog post, we helped George define a function to merge and sort lists of integers. But in this next post, we are now going to help him merge and sort lists of integers. Same problem, he’s got two unordered lists of integers such as below: [2, 3, 1] [2, 5, 5, […]
Java merge and sort integer arrays without using pre-defined functions
George has a problem. He’s got two unordered integer arrays such as below: {2, 3, 1} {2, 5, 5, 8, 9, 13} Now, he wants to merge these two and sort them in ascending order. He is not allowed to use any sort functions to solve this problem. The result should display: [1, 2, 2, […]
Kotlin Integration with Android Studio
How to Integrate Kotlin with Android Studio Hello guys, I’m back and as usual, I would like to share some programming stuff once again! 😀 At the Google I/O 2017 Google, they announced that Kotlin is now the official programming language of Android. Further information can be found here. Install Kotlin Plugin I am going to […]
How to fix USB flash drive to get its original size back?
My quick fix to this irritating USB flash drive problem Have you ever encountered using your newly bought USB flash drive and then all of a sudden when you checked it it became unusable? I myself had encountered this issue when I tried to install an OS to my flash drive using DiskImager. However, I […]
Install MariaDB on Ubuntu
How to Install MariaDB on Ubuntu Hello friends! I will show you how to install MariaDB onto Ubuntu 14.04 in two ways. Forked from MySQL, MariaDB has been known to be a drop-in replacement that brings enhancements and performance optimisations over MySQL. Step 1: Download/Install MariaDB Install from repository Installation is straightforward, so run the […]
Basic Linux Commands
List of Basic Linux Commands Hello guys, I would like to share with you list of some Linux basic commands that might be of help to beginners. Note: Add a sudo before writing the command, which will give you root access and higher privileges. Or it is called the super user. This is similar to […]
Poem For A Friend 8:6:5
I. So blithesome was I on that eve, To you my amity I’d give. Wishing you would gladly receive. Now, no I don’t want you to leave. Been wearing my heart on my sleeve, And sure that’s for you to perceive. II. There are times I wish I could fly, And I’d go way up […]